Thursday, a fiery Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) called on his GOP colleagues to condemn President Donald Trump after he admitted to Bob Woodward that he downplayed the severity of the coronavirus.

Schumer said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” that GOP senators “are showing no courage” and are “scared to death of” Trump, which is why they are not speaking out.

“You know what I say to my Republican colleagues, Mika? I’m sorry. I’m so aggravated. Where the hell are you? This is a national crisis. This man lies about everything. We found out he’s lying about Russian interference, the sacredness of our elections, and they are mum. Where are they at this time of national crisis? I saw Joe Madison on your show earlier. Difference between Nixon and Trump? You had a republican senate who had some senators who had some degree of courage. We have seen none of that, and McConnell as a leader sets an awful example. As I said, he is totally cynical now, totally political. People need help. They’re losing their jobs, they’re losing money, they’re losing their homes, they can’t feed their kids. No more school lunches are going to the kids who are stuck home, and he plays these political games. Meet us in the middle. Come on!”

“They should be condemning Trump, they should be telling him to speak the truth, and they should be telling people in that administration to stop going along with this liar because his lies are having awful consequences for America,” he added. “They are showing no courage, no strength. History is going to record this as a dark moment for the Republican Senate where you had a president who did this, and they just bowed down in obedience. They’re scared to death of him because they know he’s vindictive, and frankly, he has a base in each of their states.”

Co-host Mika Brzezinski pointed out that Trump is “actually killing his base” with his coronavirus response and his rallies.

“At what point are your Republican counterparts going to explain to the base that it’s not worth this?” she asked.

Schumer responded, “I would’ve hoped a long time ago, but they have shown no — zero — courage. They are cover-up artists for President Trump.”

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