On Friday’s “McLaughlin Group,” Chicago Tribune columnist Clarence Page said that while President Donald Trump has made public statements that make people wonder who Trump really considers to be an ally, “He has a tougher on Russia record than President Obama. He has a tougher record than he gets credit for from a lot of people as far as the sanctions that have been leveled against Russia, etc.”

Page said, “He has a tougher on Russia record than President Obama. He has a tougher record than he gets credit for from a lot of people as far as the sanctions that have been leveled against Russia, etc. But again, when push comes to shove, Mr. President, who do you believe more, our intelligence agencies or Mr. Putin, back when he was standing right next to Mr. Putin at a news conference? He chose Putin as being more reliable than our own intelligence agencies. That’s the kind of thing he does in public that makes people wonder who is his real ally?”

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