Sunday ABC’s “This Week,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) called President Donald Trump’s rhetoric at a Michigan rally on Saturday “irresponsible.”

While talking about Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI), Trump said, “Then I guess they said she was threatened, right? She was threatened. And she blamed me. She blamed me. And our people were the ones that worked with her people so let’s see what happens. Let’s see what happens.”

When Trump said Whitmer’s name, the audience to chanted “lock her up,” Trump responded, “lock them all up.”

Pelosi said, “The president has to realize that words of the president of the United States weigh a ton and in our political dialogue to inject fear tactics into it, especially a woman governor and her family is so irresponsible.”

She continued, “In all fairness to people who listen to him, people think the president is important and what he says should be adhered to, so we have this horrible situation.”

She added, “But the people have awaked to him. 26 million already voting. The biggest antidote to his poison is the vote.”

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