During a wide-ranging interview with Mobile, AL radio’s FM Talk 106.5, former Auburn head football coach Tommy Tuberville, the Republican nominee in Alabama’s U.S. Senate race for the seat currently occupied by incumbent Sen. Doug Jones (D-AL), addressed the existence of a so-called “deep state.”

According to Tuberville, such a phenomenon is real, and he said it was his hope if elected to help President Donald Trump counter the deep state.

“There is no doubt,” he replied. “There is a deep state. There is an establishment. It’s not just Democrats. It’s people in the bureaucracy that work in the Department of Justice. You can’t fire any of those people for some reason. I don’t know whether they get tenure or what they get. But we continue to have the same people, and they want to hold on to their power and their greed. They’re not thinking about the American taxpayer. This country is run and owned by the American taxpayer — people that pay their taxes to our government.”

“They misappropriate it,” Tuberville continued. “They steal it. They do everything they possibly can to maintain control of power of this country. And that’s one of the main reasons they do not like President Trump — because he is just like we are. He’s an outsider. I’m an outsider. I’m somebody on the outside looking in, going, ‘What’s going on?’ And I want to help President Trump continue to make this country a safe, prosperous country again that is fair for everybody.”

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