Shortly after Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation vote on the floor of the U.S. Senate, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) appeared on Fox News Channel’s “Hannity” to tout what he called Barrett breaking a “concrete barrier.”

“Well, the internet is melting down,” he said. “There is an absolute desire to take me out — I need your help now more than ever. But to the American people, you’re the biggest winner tonight. You have a constitutional conservative woman who understands the difference between my job and being a judge. She’s one of the most highly educated people ever to go on the court. She is not from Harvard. She is not from Yale. She is a normal person. She’s going to do an awesome job.”

“Thank you, President Trump,” Graham continued. “The big winner tonight is conservative women. To all those conservative women who go through for being conservative, who get beat up by the mainstream media for embracing your faith by being pro-life, being traditional in your family structure: You’re the winner tonight. There’s a seat at the table for you. This is not a glass ceiling being broken. This a concrete barrier being broken. Amy Barrett represents every aspiration of a young conservative woman. She is going to do awesome. I cannot wait for her to be on the Supreme Court tomorrow.”

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