Flint, MI City Council member Maurice Davis said Tuesday on Newsmax TV that he is ignoring his lifelong Democratic Party affiliation to support President Donald Trump.

Davis said, “All my life I’ve been a Democrat. And you know I was raised that way Democrat. It’s just taken for granted all Black folks going to be Democrats. ”

He continued, “Democrats aren’t doing for the minorities, especially black folks. They just haul you to the polls, and after that, it’s over with. We need somebody that is going to stand strong and start representing and do the best they can to help all Americans, and I feel President Trump will be the man for the job.”

On Flint, Michigan, Davis said, “They ran it into the ground. This used to be a beautiful viable community, but the Democrats — they believe in entitlements and handouts. I believe in you know if you give everybody equal opportunity we could rise up. The middle class is good. You know we had General Motors here, and when General Motors leave, that was the end of it. When this became a Democratic community, the money is not coming where it is needed the most over an impoverished community as well as Detroit, Michigan. We have nobody speaking for us. I’m tired of Democrats speaking with a negative narrative like they lied about President Trump is racist and everything else to just fool people to the polls. That’s not right.”

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