On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher stated that Americans should “stop seeing each other as deplorable.” And “No president can unite us. We have to unite ourselves.”

Maher said, “‘You complete me’ doesn’t mean because we’re exactly alike. It means because we are different. I don’t want to live in a country without the red states. I like traveling there. When people talk to you in Oklahoma, they’re not scanning the room to see if there’s someone more important. Because, frankly, when I’m there, there never is. Also, they laugh like nobody’s watching. They don’t have a non-dairy, gluten-free, hypoallergenic stick up their ass. Even the pro-lifers will laugh at a good dead baby joke. Look, I’m pro-choice, but I also get it that a fetus is irrefutably becoming a human life. So, can I see why some people think you are actually the one who’s deplorable? Yes, I can. So, let’s all stop doing that. Let’s all stop seeing each other as deplorable. Wednesday, Biden said, ‘We have to stop treating our opponents as enemies.'”

He added, “We don’t all see the world the same way. Get over it. During the campaign, there was a lot of talk about who can unite us. No president can unite us. We have to unite ourselves.”

Maher continued that America either has to forgive differences or “turn into the Balkans.” He further stated that “it kinda is happening here. People were afraid in this election to display lawn signs for the candidate of their choice if it was in a neighborhood where that was a decidedly minority opinion.”

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