Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee and part of the 2000 Bush campaign’s legal team in Bush v. Gore, dismissed calls from the media and others for President Donald Trump and his allies to concede the election outcome to former Vice President Joe Biden.

During an appearance on FNC’s “Hannity,” Cruz said the process should play out as the system allows for it.

“Well, look, the fundamental question is, are we going to follow the law?” he said. “You noticed the news media on Election Day when you and I probably went to bed on Election Day seeing the same results, we saw that President Trump had won Florida, we won Ohio, we were leading in North Carolina, in Michigan and Pennsylvania, in Wisconsin, it looked like a very good night. And all the news media was saying at the time, well, hold on, hold on, we don’t know who won, we don’t know who won. And then as the numbers shifted to Joe Biden, suddenly, the instant they shifted to Joe Biden, the entire news media said, ‘OK, now, it’s over, everybody shut up and go home.'”

“Well, that’s not the way the system works,” Cruz continued. “The way it works is you follow the law. There are multiple lawsuits pending in multiple states. Those lawsuits have to be resolved, and there are serious allegations of violations of law. The right standard is that every single legal vote that was cast should be counted, but any votes that were illegally cast shouldn’t be counted. And there’s a way we resolve this. You know, one of the frustrating things as a citizen, you see all these tweets going back and forth, you see allegations of this happened, that happened, it’s hard to know. It’s hard for anyone to know, all right, is this true, what’s true?”

“The only way to know is we had a legal process, we have state courts, we have federal courts that can hear legal claims,” he added. “And right now, it is incumbent on the Trump campaign’s lawyers to go in and prove their case in court, to lay out evidence, to lay out evidence of illegally cast votes, to lay out evidence of what was done right and what was done wrong and when the process is over, we’re going to know the result. But we need to let the process play out, and much of the mainstream media doesn’t want to let us do that.”

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