MSNBC “Morning Joe” host Joe Scarborough on Monday responded to the President Donald Trump campaign fighting the 2020 election results by reminding viewers he “warned Republicans for five years “that Trump was not conservative.”

According to Scarborough, a former GOP congressman, Trump “spends radically” and “has radical foreign policy that embraces dictators and tyrants.” Scarborough advised that he repeatedly warned Republicans that Trump “wasn’t conservative” and would “spend this country into debt.”

“[Y]ou know, I warned Republicans for five years that this guy was not conservative. I said it repeatedly,” Scarborough outlined. “He said that he hated Republicans, he hated conservatives, he wasn’t conservative, that he was going to spend this country into debt. We have had the biggest deficits ever under Donald Trump and this Republican Party. We have had the biggest national debt ever under Donald Trump and this Republican Party. We have had the biggest pork-barreled spending budgets every single year under Donald Trump and this Republican Party.”

“We have had a president who has tried to undermine all the good things that Republicans and Democrats alike have done as it pertains to NATO, as it pertains to spreading democracy across Europe, protecting democratic countries. And here we have a president that’s radical. He spends radically. He has radical foreign policy designs. He has radical foreign policy that embraces dictators and tyrants. And now you look at what he’s doing here in the United States constitutionally. All of my friends that walked around Congress with Constitutions in their pockets and yet remain silent today. This is the same president the last weeks of the campaign … was pressuring his attorney general to arrest his opponent in the last two weeks of the campaign. Their Constitution stayed in their pockets safely. They didn’t talk about how undemocratic that was, what a breach of constitutional norms that was, how that was a dictator’s move. They didn’t say a word.”

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