CNN anchor Chris Cuomo declared Wednesday night on his broadcast that President Donald Trump was acting “like a Russian agent causing discord and division” by questioning the 2020 election results.

In a clip from today, Trump said, “This election was lost by the Democrats. They cheated. It was a fraudulent election. You have to turn the election over because there is no doubt we have all the evidence, we have all the affidavits, we have everything. All we need is to have some judge listen to it properly without having a political opinion or having another kind of a problem because we have everything. By the way, the evidence is pouring in now as we speak.”

Cuomo said, “Last time I heard a voice like that spouting nonsense like that with a screen that was lit up like that, it was Poltergeist. This is just as scary.”

He continued, “As for all that evidence of mass voter fraud, they’re nodding their heads, yes, yes, yes. Then why don’t they offer some? At least 30 cases lost since Election Day, all for the same reason, conservative judges, liberal judges, conservative states, liberal states: no proof. Today, more nothing. Unsworn witnesses making claims of fraud that they suspected or largely heard about. All those Trumpers in power, think about it, all those different elections in states he lost, swing states, yet none of them came forward with anything real. What does that tell you?”

He added, “We have never had a president act more like a Russian agent causing discord and division than Trump. Again I don’t know what Biden is going to be able to do, but I, for one, am thankful to hear that at least he will try to be better.”

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