CNN anchor Brianna Keilar said Wednesday on “Newsroom” that Democrat leaders that are ignoring their own mandates on COVID-19  pandemic restrictions should “look in the mirror.”

Keilar said, “A number of Democratic leaders, apologizing, or reversing course, after multiple occurrences of do as I say, not as I do. They have been caught, not following their own coronavirus guidelines.”

She then detailed the difference between the actions and mandates of San Francisco Mayor London Breed (D-CA), Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA), Los Angeles County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl (D), San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo (D-CA), Denver Mayor Michael Hancock (D-CO), and Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY).

She added, “The past few weeks brought into relief a pattern of leaders failing to lead by example. Asking Americans to make sacrifices that they themselves are unwilling to make. And appearing sorry only when they’re caught.”

She concluded, “Trust is built slowly, but it evaporates faster than reservations at a fancy restaurant. A lot of these leaders, they are looking across the aisle to blame Republicans who aren’t taking mask-wearing seriously. But maybe it’s time they also look in the mirror and ask themselves if that ‘amuse-bouche’ was really worth it.”

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