Former CIA Director John Brennan declared on this week’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday” that there was no spying on President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign.

In a video clip, Trump said, “You can look at Brennan and Comey and Clapper, we caught them spying on our campaign. This was an illegal act like no other illegal act. This was treason. This was at the highest level of treason.”

Anchor Chris Wallace said, “As I said, you both accused each other of treason. What do you think of Attorney General Barr extending the Durham investigation into the Obama administration, the FBI, the intelligence community, extending that investigation well into 2021?”

Brennan said, “Well, I think that is fine. I have no problems with it. I do believe that John Durham is going to carry out his response abilities ably and hopefully not with any type of political influence. I sat down for eight hours with John Durham and his team, answering all his questions. And so looking back at 2016, where there some mistakes made in terms of the FISA  applications and those things? Yes, apparently there were, but that doesn’t mean that there was criminal intent. There was no spying on Donald Trump’s campaign. It’s very clear from Robert Mueller’s investigation that there were a lot of activities that I think were very unprincipled, unethical. It will be up to individuals in the future to determine whether or not there was any criminal activity that took place during that time.”

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