During Tuesday’s broadcast of Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) spoke out against California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, who is Joe Biden’s pick to be Secretary of Health and Human Services.

Cotton outlined Becerra’s outside-the-mainstream views on key policy issues and also noted his stance on California’s Draconian lockdown policies.

The Arkansas Republican lawmaker argued for those reasons that the U.S. Senate should not confirm Becerra for the post.

“I woke up this morning with a message from a friend in California who said that Xavier Becerra is so far to the left he makes Bernie Sanders look like a Tea Partier,” Cotton said. “Let’s just go through the problems with this nomination. So first, he supports Medicare for All. He’s going to be responsible for running Medicare, and Medicaid, and Obamacare, and many other health care programs. He is going to use the discretion the law gives him to try to take away your health insurance on the job to give less flexibility, less control to families and to states who are in charge of these health care decisions.”

“Second, he’s a true radical on abortion,” he continued. “He supported the lawsuits against nuns. He’s gone after pro-life activists in California who exposed some truly grizzly crimes by Planned Parenthood. And third, look at what’s happened in California during this pandemic. He has been on the forefront of locking down that entire state — of preventing schools from reopening and people going to church. Defending the kind of decisions we saw over the weekend where the city of Los Angeles will allow a well-connected film crew to set up a canteen in a parking lot of a restaurant but won’t allow that restaurant to serve people just outside their premises. Xavier Becerra will be Joe Biden’s nationwide lockdown enforcer. The Senate ought not to confirm him.”

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