During a speech on the Senate floor on Wednesday, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) stated that “There is no other game in town” but the House bill to increase direct payments to $2,000, and that if the House bill is modified, it will not be able to become law before the end of this Congress because the House has already recessed.

Schumer said, “I want to be very clear about one thing: There is no other game in town besides the House bill. The only way, the only way to get to the American people the $2,000 checks they deserve and need is to pass the House bill and pass it now. The House has recessed for the year. Any modification or addition to the House bill cannot become law before the end of this Congress. It’s a way to kill, to kill the bill. Make no mistake about it. Either the Senate takes up and passes the House bill, or struggling American families will not get $2,000 checks during the worst economic crisis in 75 years.”

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