On Friday’s broadcast of the Fox Business Network’s “Mornings with Maria,” Rep. Tom Reed (R-NY) stated that he will file a criminal complaint against New York Secretary to the Governor Melissa DeRosa over a report that she admitted to concealing data about coronavirus in nursing homes.

Reed said, “[N]ow we have Gov. Cuomo’s second in command, essentially, on a taped confession to fellow Democratic lawmakers admitting she committed criminal activity to cover up for what they were hiding from the federal officials that were responsible to get to the bottom of this, and make sure that…we learned what happened with the COVID-19-positive order that sent 15,000 [people] to their death that Cuomo issued back in March. This, obviously, cannot go unaccounted for. And that’s why we were arguing this in the committee yesterday, when we demanding that transparency and accountability be part of this COVID-19 package. But, most importantly, the days of Cuomo are going to be numbered in Albany here. But, most important, we need to start with this second in command. I’m demanding — I’m going to be looking at filing a personal criminal complaint against this individual, today, in local law enforcement offices, as well as federal offices. Because she needs to be arrested today.”

He added, “[L]et’s get this second in command arrested, hopefully today, by filing this criminal complaint.”

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