On this week’s broadcast of FNC’s “Sunday Morning Futures,” Harvard law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz decried so-called cancel culture, which was highlighted by threats made against Trump defense attorney Michael Van Der Veen.

Dershowitz likened it to 20th century McCarthyism and vowed to fight against the phenomenon.

“Cancel culture is quickly becoming American culture,” he said. “You know, Common Cause, which purports to be a liberal, not a radical organization, has now demanded that Facebook keep Donald Trump off its platform. We are getting liberals, Nicholas Kristof of The New York Times, saying Fox should be taken off cable networks. It’s a call for censorship.”

“I grew up during McCarthyism,” Dershowitz continued. “I hated communism. But I defended the rights of lawyers to defend accused communists. And I defend today every lawyer. And if any lawyer is the subject of this kind of McCarthyism, I will represent you pro bono. I will represent you in front of universities, in front of bar associations. I’m going to dedicate myself to making sure that the new McCarthyism of the hard left doesn’t become American culture.”

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