On Tuesday’s “CNN Newsroom,” White House Chief Medical Adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci defended Vice President Kamala Harris’ comments that the Biden administration was “starting from scratch” on coronavirus vaccine distribution by stating that he thinks she was referring to the fact that “the actual plan of getting the vaccine doses into people’s arms was really rather vague.”

After quoting Harris’ remarks, host Jim Sciutto asked, “I wonder if you agree with that, that the vaccination plan come January 20 of this year, that you were starting from the beginning there, or there was something in place that just needed improvements?”

Fauci responded, “What I think the vice president is referring to is that the actual plan of getting the vaccine doses into people’s arms was really rather vague. I mean, it was not a well-coordinated plan. Getting the vaccines made, getting them shipped through Operation Warp Speed was okay. But I believe what the vice president was referring to is what is the process of actually getting these doses into people. That’s something that we had to get much better organized now with getting the community vaccine centers, getting the pharmacies involved, getting mobile units involved. So, that’s what I believe she was referring to.”

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