Tuesday, during an appearance on FBN’s “Mornings with Maria,” Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) called the $1.9 trillion so-called stimulus relief package a “slush fund” and warned at “some point,” the financial markets would be impacted by the government spending.

“This is a slush fund,” he said. “It has nothing to do with COVID. That’s what I want your viewers to understand. This is the size of the COVID bill that we passed a year ago, of which basically had nearly 90 percent of Republicans and Democrats, working with President Trump, coming together to try to save the economy. This bill has very little money in it for COVID, and then it also has money that’s going to go out over the course of the next four years. And even some money even beyond that.”

“So this is very similar,” Nunes continued. “It’s the same play call that Obama used in 2009, which was, in the name of stimulus and saving the economy, they put a slush fund together that then they doled out to their friends and buddies. And mark my words, this is — we are going to be tracking the money. There’s going to be story after story after story about liberal groups and liberal friends, leftists and socialists being rewarded with other people’s money effectively, the taxpayers.”

“And, I mean, you’ve had plenty of financial people on,” he added. “At some point, this does begin to roil and change the financial markets.”

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