On Tuesday’s “CNN Tonight,” Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA) stated that “all options have to be on the table” to pass voting rights legislation like H.R. 1.

Host Don Lemon asked, “H.R. 1…unlikely to pass without eliminating the filibuster. If that does happen, and state Republicans essentially — they’re going to get away with voter suppression, are they?”

Warnock said, “Voting rights is preservative of all rights, and I think that this issue is so urgent that all options have to be on the table. This is not just an issue alongside other issues. It goes to the very heart of who we say we are as an American people. If the people don’t have a voice in our own democracy, then what in the heck are we talking about? And so, for me, all options have to be on the table, where this issue is concerned.”

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