Monday, former acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe reacted to Department of Justice prosecutor Michael Sherwin telling CBS “60 Minutes” he believes “facts do support” charges of sedition against some of the January 6 Capitol rioters.

McCabe said he is “kind of shocked” some from the group that breached the Capitol building have not been charged with sedition already, given there is “abundant evidence.”

“[S]edition is a federal crime that basically says anyone who seizes by force the property of the United States government or who impedes or blocks the execution of a U.S. law can be guilty of sedition,” McCabe outlined. “Now, in this case, the U.S. law would, of course, but the Constitution itself, which specifies the process upon which we certify the election of our United States president. So, quite frankly, John, to think that we don’t have abundant evidence of sedition here is amazing to me, and I’m kind of shocked that they haven’t charged some of these folks with sedition yet.”

He added, “The fact we haven’t seen those charges yet is really remarkable, and it may be an indication that there’s more kind of legal debate about that within the Justice Department that we’re not aware of.”

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