Wednesday on FNC’s “Fox & Friends First,” Parler interim CEO Mark Meckler sounded off on efforts by big tech to deplatform his social media site.

Meckler, who is working to have the Parler app back in the Apple store, said that the conservative social media platform was part of a “hit job” because big tech wanted “to suppress the conservative point of view.” According to the interim CEO, Parler was seen as a “threat” because conservatives were flocking to the platform.

“[T]here is definitely a double or triple standard here,” Meckler lamented.

Host Lawrence Jones asked, “Do you think they are trying to suppress the conservative point of view?”

“Absolutely, they are trying to suppress the conservative point of view,” Meckler replied. ‘Most of this was just a hit job done started by Facebook by Sheryl Sandberg pointing at Parler when it absolutely wasn’t the truth. I believe there was cooperation, potentially conspiracy and collusion between these companies. They don’t like us out there. They don’t like the competition. At the time that we were taken off the app store, we were the number one downloaded app. We were the number 10 downloaded app for the entire year of 2020, so they saw us as a threat, and they colluded to take us down.”

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