On Thursday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “America’s Newsroom,” Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) stated that the Democratic court-packing bill “really is a way to try to intimidate the justices into the Democrats’ favored rulings.”

Cotton said, “The Democrats have a very bad habit of trying to intimidate the court. Chuck Schumer, just last year, went over and stood on the steps of the Supreme Court, threatened justices by name, that they were going to reap the whirlwind if they ruled in a way that he did not favor, so much so that the chief justice even rebuked political actors who engage in that kind of action. Look, it is fine to criticize Supreme Court decision[s], [heaven knows] I’ve criticized plenty of them. But to take actions to suggest you’re going to expand the court, or you’re going to constrict their rules really is a way to try to intimidate the justices into the Democrats’ favored rulings.”

Cotton also said court-packing “will be the end of the Supreme Court’s legitimacy and the end of the rule of law in America. One reason that we respect the rule of law is that our Constitution created an independent judiciary to protect the rights of Americans and to create a final tribunal. And that tribunal makes its decisions in accordance with the law and the statutes and previous cases.”

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