During a Tuesday interview with Fox Business Network’s “Mornings with Maria,” Rep. August Pfluger (R-TX) slammed President Joe Biden for the incoming higher tax hikes.

Pfluger said Biden “doesn’t care about making America strong economically,” which is why he is raising taxes amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. He added that the Biden administration is “lying to the American public” about who will be affected by the tax rates.

“When you’re spending $2 trillion here, another $2 trillion there, we’ve got a Green New Deal coming, somebody has got to pay for that, and it’s the American public, it’s the middle class,” Pfluger asserted. “They are lying to the American public when they say it’s just people over $400,000. That is not accurate. This is going to affect everyone. These corporations can expect their tax rates to go up because Biden doesn’t care about progress; he doesn’t care about making America strong economically.”

He continued, “Instead of opening our schools, we’re opening the borders. Instead of making our economy stronger, we’re redistributing wealth. And again, it’s pandering to the radical side of the Democrat Party who wants to take money out of hardworking taxpayers’ pockets like people in my district in Texas and redistribute it. You know, what President Trump did by having tax reform that incentivized people to go out and start businesses is exactly what this country needs to get back to work; to get through a pandemic. Now is not the time to raise taxes after we’ve gone through a global health pandemic.”

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