Representative Jackie Speier (D-CA) said Thursday on CNN’s “New Day” that the Capitol riot on January 6 was close to becoming a “coup.”

Anchor Brianna Keilar said, “You know the signs right now in the Senate, not so good when it comes to getting a commission moved forward for Congress here. This would be a commission, to be clear, that is not made up of members of Congress but outside folks, and it would be split even between Democrats and Republicans picking those people. Yesterday, House majority leader Steny Hoyer told CNN that if that doesn’t happen, he’s backing a house-only effort. He said we’re going to pursue this one way or the other. Do you support that?”

Speier said, “I support getting to the truth. We have got to be clear-eyed about this. This was an insurrection. This was a bloody, deadly siege on the U.S. Capitol. Our democracy was hanging on a thread, and to somehow call it a Capitol tour when 140 police officers were injured… one lost his eye, one lost his finger, one is dead today, one committed suicide, one had a heart attack. I mean, this is not something that can be swept under the rug. Now Be careful what you wish for in the Senate. I would love to have Majority Leader Schumer actually have this go to a full-fledged filibuster. Let’s talk about what went on.”

She added, “I think the American people have to be reminded that we were so vulnerable that there could have been, literally, a coup. I was in that gallery. I was fearing for my life. And for anyone to somehow suggest that this was, you know, just some accidental happening or that people were being fair, it boggles my mind and should boggle the American people’s mind.”

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