Monday, former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA) addressed his departure from CNN, where he served as a political contributor, during an appearance on FNC’s “Hannity.”

Santorum was reportedly dismissed from the left-of-center cable news channel for dubious allegations of making disparaging remarks about Native American culture.

The former lawmaker told host Sean Hannity that CNN had a right to fire him, but he said his dismissal was a product of cancel culture.

“[I]n many, many cases throughout my entire career, people have been called to be fired for saying this, and fired for saying this,” he said. “And I’ve always defended their right, and say, ‘Look, people have a right to their opinion.’ And, by the way, CNN has a right to fire me. If they don’t like what I’m saying or what I’m doing, they have a right to fire me. I have no animus at all toward CNN. Like I said, I appreciate the opportunity they gave me. But I think it does show that the left is intolerant. They are worried. I’m sure their viewership, which is obviously very left — they were going to pay a price. And the intolerance of the left is really the issue here and the cancel culture that is flowing from it. And I hear from a lot of liberals — in fact, many CNN contributors who talked to me afterward who were very, very concerned about the cancel culture that is now hitting them.”

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