On Wednesday’s broadcast of Fox News Radio’s “Guy Benson Show,” Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) said that “there is a plot to stop conservative values from percolating in the poorest corridors and in minority communities,” and “liberal elites want to grab power by using the issue of race and the issue of control to determine the future of this nation.”

While discussing the backlash to his response to the State of the Union, Scott said, “What I’ve learned though, Guy, is that there is a plot to stop conservative values from percolating in the poorest corridors and in minority communities, and they heard what I said and they saw it as a threat. And so, they responded with a vitriol that is unusual and I am used to some very high levels of pain, misery, and agony in the response to the craziness from the left. But here’s the truth…America is simply not a racist country. To deny that is to deny reality. Have we had issues with race and is there racism in our country? Absolutely, but [are] the majority of Americans, is the nation as a whole a racist country? Undeniably no.”

He added, “The liberal elites want to grab power by using the issue of race and the issue of control to determine the future of this nation. I believe that, too often, their focus isn’t on solving the racial issues of the past — or the present, it’s about gaining more power by talking about that. That’s one of the reasons why they spend 90% of their time in the rearview mirror and only 10% of their time in the windshield.”

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