Friday on Fox Business Network’s “Mornings with Maria,” Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) was highly critical of President Joe Biden’s trip to Europe, which included stops for the G7, NATO and a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Geneva, Switzerland.

The Alabama freshman U.S. Senate summarized the Biden effort as “big talk” and “no action.”

“Well, we didn’t get much done — a lot of big talk before he went over there, no action,” Tuberville said. “There was – there were several gaps over there that you can just tell the people around him, the leaders from the NATO Group were just – they’re looking, G7 Group were just looking around going – what’s going on here?”

“But the problem we’re having right now, we hate this guy who was elected President of United States,” he continued. “And the problem of that is he has got his handlers running this country. He can’t do anything on his own, and people are losing confidence in him every day. If he wants to go over there, fine, but we spent millions of dollars. And we can send a pair of sunglasses and a sheet of paper over there by Amazon and saved a lot of money for the American people.”

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