Tuesday, during an appearance on FNC’s “Hannity,” Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) questioned Democrat opposition to voter ID laws.

Kennedy suggested one of two possibilities for Democrats’ resistance to such measures.

“Now, of course, [Texas Democrat lawmakers] are playing the victim here in Washington, D.C., where they’re situated, when they have no basis to play the victim,” he said. “They picked the right city to do that in. They fit in just fine here in Washington, D.C., because in Washington, D.C., if it weren’t for double standards, there wouldn’t be any standards at all. This place, as you know, is a lot like high school, except no one ever graduates. In terms of what they’re complaining about, the Texas voting rights bill, I’ve read the bill. I’ve read the statute. I’ve read the proposed bill. I’ve read the underlying statutes.”

“It doesn’t suppress anybody’s vote,” Kennedy continued. “It allows for a very generous early voting, very generous absentee voting. Yes, it does require voter ID. It does require the people of Texas to prove they are who they say they are when they go to vote. The American people support that. The American people want that. And I say gently to my Democratic friends from Texas, if you don’t, if you don’t see the need for that, then there are one or two close circumstances here. Either you’re so dumb, you lose your place during sex, or you want to cheat. And those are your two choices.”

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