Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) wants to know where members of “The Squad” have been speaking out about the difficulties that Afghani women could be facing with the return of Taliban control in Afghanistan.

During an appearance on Mobile, AL radio FM Talk 106.5, the freshman Alabama U.S. Senator suggested the silence of “The Squad” was a product of the storyline not fitting their political narrative.

“You know who is really in danger right now is women,” Tuberville said. “Women in Afghanistan for the first time ever have been able to go to school, do things that, you know, a normal human being gets to do. In Afghanistan, women don’t get that opportunity, but they have been given that opportunity with our being in that country and starting schools, and all of that. Now that has all gone south. And I have not heard one word from all of these women in ‘The Squad’ in Congress saying anything about protecting the women of Afghanistan. You know, they’re closed-mouthed right now. It doesn’t fit their narrative. People ought to be sick of this. They really should be. But we’ll work through this. Politicians will talk their way out of it and really probably won’t anybody be held accountable.”

“I’m an outsider,” he added. “I’ve been up here, and I tell you — this is ridiculous. We’ll have these hearings. There will be cover-ups. Billions of dollars will be stolen from the taxpayers, and nobody will be held accountable in the long run. But we’re going to try our darnedest. There’s a group of us that will point fingers and try to get the job done.”

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