During an interview with ABC News on Friday, Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT) responded to reports that the Taliban was given a list of Americans by defending doing so because “We have not seen the Taliban attack Americans.” But arguing it’s extremely risky to do that with Afghan allies.

Himes stated, “I certainly want to know what the facts were there. Based on what I know, Juju, and based on what is happening on the ground in Afghanistan, giving the Taliban a list of Americans who need to get through their checkpoints in order to get to the Marines at the airport, that, given what we know now, makes sense. We have not seen the Taliban attack Americans. That was part of the deal that was made under Donald Trump. And so, that part makes sense.”

He continued, “But what does not necessarily make sense to me is that you put Afghan names on that list, too. Now, I want to reserve judgment until I understand whose names were on the list and what the logic was and what agreements the Taliban made and whether they stuck by those agreements. But, sitting where I am in the United States right now, giving the Taliban the names of Afghans who we want out because they helped us strikes me as a very, very risky thing to do.”

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