Leftist activist and filmmaker Michael Moore said Tuesday on MSNBC’s “The Beat” that we were “all blessed to have Joe Biden in the White House” because of how he handled the withdrawal from 20 years of war in Afghanistan.

On his long-time anti-war stance, Moore said, “No points for being right, really. Because if anything, I feel like, what could I have done better 20 years ago or 18 years ago when we invaded Iraq to communicate to the public that we were making a horrific mistake that would cost us thousands of Americans’ lives and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi and Afghan lives? There’s no celebration today.”

He continued, “I am so proud of President Biden, who I did not vote for in the Michigan primary. I voted for, and I worked for Bernie Sanders. I have been completely surprised and feeling that we’re all blessed to have Joe Biden in the White House in these last months, his first year in office. All the things that he has done. Not just in standing bravely and never walking it back like a politician and especially a Democratic politician would. They would get afraid of the Republicans and the right-wing telling them that he was a coward and withdrawing from Afghanistan. Democrats have such a history of walking things back like this.”

He added, “He wouldn’t walk it back. He just said, ‘No, this is wrong. I promised you when I ran for office. I’m pulling those troops out. This war has gone on way too long.’ And that’s exactly what he did. A politician kept his word. You could have the discussion of how crazy it went at the end. But all evacuations from Dunkirk before and after caused — I mean Churchill is considered a hero with Dunkirk. There were 15,000 Allied lives lost in trying to evacuate those soldiers off that beach in France at the beginning of World War II. It never goes right. It never goes well.”

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