Former 2008 McCain presidential campaign manager Steve Schmidt said Thursday on MSNBC’s “The ReidOut” that the majority of Americans were “enraged” by the unvaccinated “endangering America’s children.”

Anchor Joy Reid said, “I don’t know if you agree with me on this, but I feel like the majority of Americans are vaccinated already, right? We’re talking about 6, 7 in 10. In some states, it’s 70%. Most of the people that are vaccinated are irritated about these refusing to do this easy thing and save us from this nightmare pandemic.”

Schmidt said, “I think the majority in this country is enraged over this, about being held hostage by an extremist intransigent junk science-believing minority that is endangering America’s children. We’re in the opening months of what will be the children’s phase of this pandemic. We will see death of America’s children. I think there is a lot to be said about how a society treats its children, its most vulnerable citizens. These GOP governors are showing they’re anything but pro-life when it comes to children with their cavalier disregard for the lives of America’s children and the immunocompromised. and our most vulnerable populations.”

He added, “Here’s the deal as we move into the second year or third year, someone’s going to lose out. Someone’s going to have to stay home. Let it be the people who would rather take horse dewormer than a safe, viable, effective vaccine that’s saving lives.”

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