On Tuesday’s “Mark Levin Show,” Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich (R) discussed the state’s lawsuit against the federal vaccine mandate and said the government, “systematically, in a perverse irony, saying that if you’re here illegally, if you’ve illegally crossed the border of the United States, you don’t have to get the vaccine, but yet American citizens are going to be required to get the vaccine” is a clear violation of the Equal Protection Clause.

Brnovich said, “Basically, we filed a lawsuit today, the first against the Biden administration’s unconstitutional COVID vaccine mandates. As you know, Mark, the Biden administration has issued an executive order and they have said they’re going to propose some rules regarding mandating vaccines for — it’ll affect probably more than 100 million Americans. So, we want to do everything we can to push back. So, we filed a lawsuit today saying that this mandate is inconsistent with the Constitution. It violates the 10th Amendment. It’s a — violates traditional principles of federalism…and furthermore, as a result of them systematically, in a perverse irony, saying that if you’re here illegally, if you’ve illegally crossed the border of the United States, you don’t have to get the vaccine, but yet American citizens are going to be required to get the vaccine. So, clearly, that’s a violation of the Equal Protection Clause.”

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