CNN anchor Jim Acosta said Thursday on “Situation Room” that former President Donald Trump was an “unrepentant arsonist” while discussing his statement in support of the January 6 Capitol rioters.

Trump said in a statement posted on Twitter by spokeswoman Liz Harrington, “Our hearts and minds are with the people being persecuted so unfairly relating to the January 6 protest concerning the Rigged Presidential Election.”

Acosta said, “Governor, Republicans have been trying to distance themselves from this rally but if Trump is giving this his blessing could we see others in the GOP follow his lead?”

Former Gov. John Kasich (R-OH) said, “Think about this front-row seat to the Trump presidency. It is kind of hard to believe what is happening. It’s hard to believe after January 6 — and I used to be a congressman — to watched those poeople break in to the Capitol, and now a rally in support of those people and the president is putting something out that basically supports that. My message is if you’ve been disgusted with Trump, keep your patience and talk to those Trump people and get them to open their eyes because this country keeps continuing to go downhill. We continue to be divided. And when we are that way, it denies a great future for our kids. Wake up everybody, please for the good of our country.”

Acosta said, “We are dealing with a former president who is sort of like an unrepentant arsonist. He can’t help himself, enamored with the flames that he sets. What’s disturbing is our new CNN poll says 78% of Republicans say that Joe Biden did not actually win this election, getting back to what John Kasich was saying. It’s disturbing that we are still dealing with this.”

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