On Friday’s broadcast of C-SPAN’s “Washington Journal,” Rep. Jason Crow (D-CO) stated that “immediately” after President Joe Biden announced the withdrawal from Afghanistan in April, members of Congress formed a group on evacuating Afghan allies, and that group began urging the administration to start the evacuation, but since it didn’t, “we’re in the position of now having to evacuate people who still remain behind there.”

Crow said, “[T]he one thing that I was disappointed in was the evacuation of our Afghan partners that should have happened earlier. After the president made his decision to withdraw combat forces in April, immediately, we formed the bipartisan Honoring Our Promises Working Group in Congress. We started beating the drum and talking to anybody who would listen to us, saying start the evacuation now, start it now. Let’s have it be deliberate and steady. That, unfortunately, didn’t happen. So, we’re in the position of now having to evacuate people who still remain behind there.”

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