During an interview on this week’s broadcast of “The Sunday Show” on MSNBC, former Bush campaign adviser and left-of-center political commentator
Matthew Dowd discussed his announcement run as a Democrat to be the next lieutenant governor of Texas.

Dowd explained that he was running because he wanted to expose how Republicans do not “represent” the values of Texans nor Americans.

“After what happened on January 6, which I think should be burned in our memory just like 9/11 is and just like Pearl Harbor is burned in our memory, that was very sort of gut-punching to me about where we were and the idea that we could have a group of people sort of insurrect at the Capitol and then have the Republican Party just allow that — not only allow it — facilitate it,” Dowd stated. “And then I watched the legislative session here in Texas over the last year and the special sessions, and they systemically … went out of their way to hurt people, take away people’s rights and hurt people. And it was not only on the choice issue of a women’s right to decide.”

“It’s on guns,” he continued. “They’re openly carrying handguns without a permit after mass shootings here. It’s on voting rights. It’s the attack on the impediments on voting rights — even though we’re the 50th-ranked state in ability to vote, they’re even going further on that. So, all of those things, I struggled with this. What can I do? How can I impact this? I’ve tried to speak out over the last few years about what’s been coming and where we’re at. And I finally decided, maybe the thing to do is spend the next 400 days telling truth about the Republicans here and how they don’t represent our values at all — not only Texas values but American values, like common sense and common decency and the ability to put the common good above ourselves. And I came to that conclusion that I could offer myself and speak the truth and speak for a whole group of people … out there, who feel the exact same way.”

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