Former Trump press secretary Stephanie Grisham said Tuesday on CNN’s “The Lead” that former President Donald Trump attempted a “coup” and she will cooperate with the January 6 congressional select committee.

Grisham said, “There are citizens out there who don’t realize what a 2024 Donald Trump presidency can look like. And I’m just hoping against hope that I, by being completely honest, can help people just understand what the consequences could truly be.”

Anchor Jake Tapper said, “Let’s talk about January 6th one more second. Do you think that Trump was responsible for people coming to the Capitol on that day, specifically so that they would stage a violent protest to stop Congress from certifying the election? Do you think that was his predetermined goal?”

Grisham said, “My short answer is, I don’t know. But I think that I know his playbook pretty well, and I know he was well aware that there was going to be a very large gathering. A stop the steal gathering that he was going to be speaking at. I know that his campaign was working directly with some of the people, some of the vendors who were kind of organizing the campaign.”

Tapper said, “There is a committee that’s a special committee in the House of Representatives investigating the events of that day, as I’m sure you know. Have they reached out to you at all? Would you cooperate with them?”

Grisham said, Yes, I would cooperate if they reached out. I’ve had a couple of very casual conversations about it, but, yes, I would cooperate if needed, absolutely.”

Tapper said, “Do you think the president was essentially trying to stage a coup?”

Grisham said, “I do. When you look at what he was doing to Vice President Pence, when you look at how many ways he was trying to get people and phone calls, even with Georgia and Arizona and then again, with pressuring Mike Pence with all he wanted to do, and that memo that’s now come out about all the ways to, you know, overturn this election. I do. It’s dangerous.”

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