On Wednesday’s “Megyn Kelly Show,” author, Washington Post columnist, and CNN Political Analyst Josh Rogin stated that there is information on the origins of the coronavirus that the Biden administration could declassify, but they won’t “because they don’t see a political upside in finding out how we got into this mess.” Rogin said one area of interest is what the researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology who became ill in late 2019 were working on, and “I’m told that it’s bat coronaviruses.”

Rogin said, “So, some of the…known unknowns, as Rumsfeld used to say are that we know that there were sick researchers at the lab in October and November of 2019. We don’t know what they were working on. I’m told that it’s bat coronaviruses. That would seem relevant, right? What were their names? Where are they now? Can we talk to them? We know that the EcoHealth Alliance and the NIH were doing business with the Wuhan labs. We haven’t seen the documents. We haven’t seen the files. So, there’s lots of obvious stuff that they could release. Now, why they don’t do it, it’s because they don’t see a political upside in finding out how we got into this mess.”

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