During an interview with DNC Chair Jaime Harrison on Tuesday, ABC News Correspondent Kyra Phillips pushed back on Harrison’s assertion that Virginia schools don’t teach Critical Race Theory by stating that CRT has “been incorporated in curriculum.”

After Phillips asked about education and CRT in schools and asked, “Are Democrats out of touch with voters on education, Jaime?” Harrison responded, “Well, the question is, what is he banning? Because no Virginia school teaches Critical Race Theory. I mean, this is, in essence, out of the Lee Atwater playbook of dog whistles. This is about race, and –.”

Phillips then cut in to state, “Jaime, it’s been incorporated in curriculum. And there’s been parents that have come forward.”

Harrison responded, “No, no, no, which schools [has] it been incorporated? Critical Race Theory is something that is taught in law schools. It’s not taught in public schools, in K-12, and that’s a bunch of hooey.”

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