Governor Chris Sununu (R-NH) Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” did not say no when asked if he is going to run for president in 2024.

Anchor Dana Bash said, “I was covering congresswoman Liz Cheney facing an uncertain political future and intense criticism from her party over her position on January 6th. Do you think there’s room for Liz Cheney in the Republican Party and, specifically, you’re in New Hampshire, in the 2024 primary process?”

Sununu said, “I think there’s room for everybody in the Republican Party. Whether you’re independent or democrat, we got room for everybody to come on board.”

Bash said, “Are you thinking about running for president in 2024?”

Sununu said, “People asked me about that. I got a win in ’22, still have an election, and earn the votes of the people of New Hampshire in 2022, serve a couple of years. We’ll see what the future brings, but there is a lot to do and a lot to not just push back with Washington but a lot to implement here. Being governor is one of the challenging jobs you can ever imagine. You have to be on 24/7. I have the opportunity to do things, a dozen different things every single day that impact people’s lives, it’s incredibly fulfilling and the job I’m focused on.”

Bash said, “You happen to be doing it in the first in the nation primary state. Let the record reflect you did not say no.”

Sununu said, “There you go.”

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