During a Thursday appearance on FNC’s “Fox & Friends,” Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) sounded off on the growing crime rates as Democrats push for softer crime policies.

Crenshaw said criminals “laugh in the back of a police car,” knowing they will be free the next day. He added that the liberal policies are “absolutely ruining America’s greatest cities.”

“America’s most beautiful cities are indeed being ruined by liberal policies,” Crenshaw asserted. “There’s a direct line between death and decay and liberal policies. Now, those liberal policies include defunding the police. This is indeed what happened in Austin. There’s a police shortage, but it’s also the bail reform. There are prosecutors; there are judges funded, by the way, by people like George Soros. I know that makes the left really mad when they hear that. They’ll attack me on Twitter, but then we’ll just provide all the news stories that say exactly what I’m saying. They are deliberately doing this. They want prosecutors who won’t prosecute; they want judges who will let criminals out.”

He continued, “The criminals laugh in the back of a police car because they know that they are going to be out the next day back to committing crimes. This is a problem for people who actually pay taxes who live there. And they are absolutely ruining America’s greatest cities, and we should be outraged about it.”

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