During a Monday appearance on FNC’s “Fox & Friends,” Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY) sounded off on the New York City vaccine mandate that began earlier that day.

The mandate requires private-sector workers to get vaccinated against COVID-19, and teenagers and adults must get two vaccine doses to dine indoors.

According to Malliotakis, people and businesses “have had enough of the overreach of government.”

“I think it’s very split, but there are people who have had enough of the overreach of government, and they are concerned. And it’s businesses, too,” Malliotakis outlined. “Look, we had a round table in Washington from industry leaders, particularly those in the transportation sector, that are saying that this is going to have a huge impact if the Biden administration’s vaccine mandate actually takes effect.”

She continued, “Now, two things are happening, right? Next week, we’re going to get a new mayor here in New York City, and we’re hoping that that mayor is going to revisit some of these policies. And the Supreme Court will be looking at the Biden mandate as well, so let’s hope that things loosen up here, and we focus more on treatment and therapeutics going forward because we have got to learn to live with this virus.”

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