Newsmax host Grant Stinchfield said Wednesday on his show “Stinchfield” that six-time New York Times bestselling author Peter Schweizer’s new book, titled Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win, is going to expose President Joe Biden and his family’s “financial ties to China.”

Stinchfield said, “Here is what is not a hoax, the Biden crime family’s financial ties to China, and it’s about to be exposed. Investigative journalist Peter Schweizer is set to release his new book. It’s titled Red-Handed. I love the title. And look who’s on the cover, Biden, shaking the hand of Chairman Xi Jinping, and yes, I refused to call him president. The book is set to expose quote, ‘bad actors on both sides of the aisle,’ that do China’s quote ‘bidding.’ On that list—are you ready for this? Speaker Nancy Pelosi, former Speaker John Boehner, LeBron James. I’m glad he’s on the list. I don’t like that guy. Henry Kissinger is on the list. Elon Musk is on the list, Bill Gates and of course, the Biden crime family.”

He added, “Peter Schweitzer’s books in the past have spurred legislation. He’s made a lot of waves in the past with his books.”

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