On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher said that the way federal health officials have handled coronavirus “looks politicized. It looks like we have our science and anybody else…we just pretend that they’re a quack” even if they’re other doctors.

After reading a quotation from New York Times Senior Writer David Leonhardt on misconceptions regarding how expert opinion and science work, Maher stated, “And this is sort of the case I’ve been making, like, whose science? Like, of course, the chip in the vaccine is insane, but the FDA’s two top vaccine experts resigned. Because they said, you’re not following what we found out about boosters, you’re recommending them and we told you not to. It looks politicized. It looks like we have our science and anybody else can just — we just pretend that they’re a quack. And these aren’t quacks. These are other doctors.”

Leonhardt responded, “Science is hard.”

Maher added, “Especially medical science, we don’t know shit.”

Leonhardt added that debate is a key part of science and that there are some issues around coronavirus policy that aren’t issues of science, but are really issues of tradeoffs and values.

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