On Thursday’s broadcast of Newsmax TV’s “Spicer & Co.,” Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX) stated that in some sectors the Border Patrol has only been working at 40% strength because the rest of the agents are working in processing centers and it has been an uphill fight to get money to add Border Patrol agents.

Cuellar said, “Look, at the Laredo sector and at the Rio Grande sector, if you talk to the folks there, they’re only working with about 40% of the men and women. Because the other 60% are in the border processing centers, changing diapers, making food for the migrants. And again, that’s not their place. They’re supposed to be out there securing the border. So, 60% of the men and women out there are not doing the mission work that they’re supposed to be doing. Because they’re doing babysitting work, with all due respect to the migrants.”

Co-host Lyndsay Keith then asked, “Is that because the administration hasn’t gotten them enough backup help. I mean, why are they put in this situation?”

Cuellar responded, “Well, we had a little trouble trying to hire Border Patrol. I sit as the Vice Chair of the Homeland Appropriations [Subcommittee]. Finally, we got some monies this year to add more men and women for Border Patrol. We’ve been trying, but it’s been a little fight uphill, but I think we’re going to get it done. We need to hire more Border Patrol and we certainly need to make sure we have ICE and Air [and] Marine and the men and women in blue to make sure they’re out there.”

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