Monday on FNC’s “Fox & Friends,” former House Speaker Newt Gingrich slammed the progressive left’s efforts to stop Tesla CEO Elon Musk from his attempt to take over social media giant Twitter.

Gingrich praised Musk for wanting to fight for free speech and said the billionaire “represents a danger” to the left “because he doesn’t follow the rules.” He argued that Musk would not only be a “genuine threat” to Twitter but also to Facebook and Google because he would open up dialogue on those platforms.

“[Musk] has been remarkable, whether it is with the Tesla or with battery factories or with SpaceX,” Gingrich outlined. “And he has consistently thought big and thought long and pulled it off. So, my hope is that he’s going to go after these guys. You know, if you are on the hard left, you don’t want freedom of speech. You want freedom of your speech and nobody else. You’ve got a little bit of this yesterday when we had a congresswoman objecting to people singing Christian songs on Easter — you know, this whole notion of I get to define what your free speech is. And I think that Musk represents a danger because he doesn’t follow the rules. He is a real, I think, genuine libertarian.”

“My guess is, in the end, is that he will find his way through, and he will end up owning Twitter, and he will make it a very interesting dynamic place, which the left will hate. I mean, they don’t want an interesting dynamic. They want people robotically repeating what they are told to say.”

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