During this week’s broadcast of FNC’s “Fox News Sunday,” Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX) said the Biden administration was being guided by “immigration activists” on Title 42, which restricted migration from places where an infectious disease outbreak was underway.

Cuellar called on the Biden administration to reconsider the decision to discontinue a Trump-era policy at the southern border.

“You know, we told them, but they said they’re going to continue with … lifting the Title 42,” he said. “But the thing is, yes, they’re listening to the immigration activists, but my question is, who’s listening to the men and women in green and in blue? And more importantly, who’s listening to the border communities, the sheriffs, the landowners, the — you know, the rest of the people who live on the border.”

“Yesterday, I was in Starr County. You mentioned Roma — I was in Roma where they found that 2-year-old young kid,” Cuellar continued. “And I was in Roma. And I was with a lot of people there, not only public officials but other folks. And none of them said, yes, go ahead and lift Title 42. None of them said open up the border. They’re very concerned because they’re on the frontline, and they’re the ones that I think we need to listen to. We need to listen to the border communities.”

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