Tuesday on FNC’s “Hannity,” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) spoke approvingly of Tesla CEO Elon Musk’s purchase of social media platform Twitter.

Cruz called Big Tech an “existential threat” but suggested Musk’s purchase was counter to the trend under Big Tech as it is currently constituted.

“[I] think Elon Musk’s buying Twitter is without exaggeration the most important development for free speech in decades,” he said. “Big Tech is an existential threat to free speech and free and fair elections in America. And there’s a dynamic that has played out for decades, which is conservatives win when we effectively communicate what we believe because our ideas work, free enterprise works, freedom works. Liberals win when they effectively obfuscate what they believe when they hide what they believe. And that means they want to censor, they want to silence voices.”

“You know, some time ago, I had the CEO of YouTube sitting in my office, and she was saying — we were talking about Stephen Crowder, who’s the right-wing libertarian comedian,” Cruz continued. “He’s very funny—a lot of young people like him. YouTube demonetized him, and she was saying: well, you got to understand, a lot of people on the left wanted us to ban him entirely. We didn’t do that.”

“And I responded, I said, hold on a second, this is not tit for tat. We’re not asking you to silence liberals,” he added. “I don’t want you to silence Bernie Sanders or AOC. I want people to hear them because we win on free speech. If I want to hear conservative ideas, I follow Sean Hannity. And I’ll tell you something really promising. Last two weeks, my podcast ‘Verdict with Ted Cruz,’ we were on campus at the University of Alabama, we were on campus at Yale, had 500 to 600 students, a third of them were liberals. People want to hear truth and substance.”

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