On Friday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “America’s Newsroom,” Rep. Tom McClintock (R-CA) argued that the DHS Disinformation Governance Board will end up dictating what people can and cannot say because “That’s where the left always takes a society…you tell me one place where the left has seized control where, ultimately, they haven’t tried to do that.”

McClintock said, “It’s a Ministry of Truth. It is a hallmark of any dictatorship, and it’s antithetical to American principles of freedom of speech. Our entire democracy is based on the free exchange of ideas. In a free society like ours, you’re allowed to express your opinion, whatever it is. It can be hateful, stupid, inaccurate, safe in the knowledge that as long as there’s a free exchange of ideas, better ideas, sounder opinions, kinder sentiments, more accurate data will always prevail. But when you have a government institution telling you what you can and cannot say, you no longer have a functioning democracy, and that’s where the left is taking us. That’s where the left always takes a society. Because they can’t win a debate in an open forum so they have to suppress the opposition. And you tell me one place where the left has seized control where, ultimately, they haven’t tried to do that.”

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