CNN political commentator Van Jones on Friday weighed in on President Joe Biden’s low approval rating, especially among those in the black community.

Jones blamed inflation for the lack of approval and added that the Democrats “overpromised” and have “underdelivered so far.” He added there was a “disappointment factor” felt by black people because they felt “they rescued the Democratic Party” but hadn’t seen police reform or Build Back Better passed with a Democrat majority.

“New Day” host John Berman asked, “Did the Democrats overpromise?”

“Overpromised, underdelivered so far,” Jones replied.

“How so?” Berman followed up.

“Well, again, this idea, ‘Well, look, Trump was here, he’s terrible, we’re going to replace him, and we’re going to give you 100% of what you want with 50% of the votes in the Senate.’ The math never made sense,” Jones added. “So, you could pass these big bills through the House, but you couldn’t even sometimes get a hearing in the Senate. And so … by the time you get to the summertime, it’s like, ‘Hey, I’m hearing all this good stuff is supposed to be happening, but it’s never getting signed by the president.’ And so, when you overpromise so much in the beginning of the year, and you’re underdelivering at the end of the year — and don’t forget, Build Back Better, et cetera — you suddenly wind up with a disappointment factor plus inflation.”

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